AMST 373.01
House and Home in America
Roger Williams University
Spring, 2016, M, W, F:  11:00-11:50
GHH 208
Michael R. H. Swanson, Ph. D.
Office: GHH 215 Phone:  ext. 3230
Hours:  M, W, F 12:00-1:30
  or by Appointment

Paper One:

Due: Monday, April 4, by Bridges.

Length, Five pp., minimum.  I will read more.


We began this semester with a consideration of the houses and homes in which class members live, then proceeded to place these  homes in Suburbia, small towns, and other places where members of the class live.  We proceeded to think of the evolution of suburbia in Jackson’s Crabgrass Frontier, and what constituted a “good” house in The American Woman’s Home, by Catherine E. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe.

As a part of all this, we’ve considered the various roles men and women have played in shaping houses, and also how houses shape the various roles of the people who have lived in them.  Perhaps you’ve thought about how your house has contributed to shaping you, and your relationships with your family, neighbors, and friends.  On the basis of this, here’s what I’d like to have you do.

Below are links you might find useful